Original Art and Story: “The King of Our Tribe”

Aside from being fond of making artworks, I am also fond of creating stories. I am always the entertainer slash the teller of tales when I am with my group of friends. So I thought of combining art with a story.

The following Art-story you are about to read is my original composition. My mind usually wanders to the parallel universe while making some artworks. This story just popped into my mind along the process so I decided to incorporate such in this masterpiece.

I’d rather bore you with this story than bore you with the steps of creating it. I hope you’ll enjoy!

Disclaimer: This piece first appeared on my Steemit account (a cryptocurrency blogging platform). Minor changes have been made for this post.

“The King of Our Tribe”

On a sunny day at a grassland, a sheep heard tiny cries from the nearby woods. Curious as he is, he searched for the source of the sound and found a little newborn.

He can’t distinguish what kind of animal it was but he considered it as his own. He nurtured it and thought of it as his lamb.


The sheep tried to feed the newborn with some grass, only to be rejected. He was out of milk either so he decided to bring his lamb to the woods in order to find some food.

He couldn’t find anything that could satisfy his little lamb. Unknowingly, they became farther and farther from the woods’ entry point.

The sheep saw a nut and immediately ran to it, but the swift squirrel took it first. 

“Hey! That’s mine, give it back to me!”, said the sheep.


“Finders keepers!”, the squirrel answered with a tiny voice. “Hey… what are you carrying on your back? Isn’t that my… kit?” the squirrel added.

Sheep: “Your kit? can’t you see? He’s too big to become a kit from a tiny animal like you!”

Squirrel: “No, you are the one who’s got a problem here! Can’t you see your white fleece and his black and brown stripes? Your colors are completely contradicting!”

Sheep: “No, he’s my lamb. I’m the one who found him so he’s my lamb. My. Lamb.”

Squirrel: “There it is! So you just picked him somewhere! He’s my kiiiit! Give my kit to me!”


While the two animals were busy on their little fight, they didn’t notice the approaching predator who was just waiting for the right timing to snatch the newborn.

In one swift, the little lamb-kit was grabbed by the fox. The sheep and squirrel were left dumbfounded, yet they immediately ran after the fox when they realized they could lose their lamb-kit to the large fangs of such hunter.


They ran far enough but they could not get close to the fox. Not a bit.

Suddenly, the fox stopped and had slowly stepped backward. It is the best time to get their lamb-kit back, but they were stunned with a roaring voice saying, “What are you doing with the cub?”


The fox bowed his head while giving a stuttering reply. “H-he… i-is… m-my… p-pup”.

Sheep: “No! He’s my lamb!”

Squirrel: “No! He’s my kit!”

The two animals answered in chorus. “Don’t you know who I am?”, said the animal with the roaring voice. “I am a lion! I am the king of this jungle! And that – that is my cub!”


The three animals greatly opposed what the lion has said. Being the righteous ruler of the wilderness, the lion decided to talk with the three in his realm.

All of them were given the chance to expound their claims over the lamb-kit-pup-cub to avoid heated discussions.

Sheep: “He’s my lamb! I am the first one who found him.”

Squirrel: “He’s my kit because we have the same fur – brown.”

Fox: “He’s my pup. Can’t you see how he resembles just like me?”

Lion: “Enough of this pointless discussion. He’s not my cub and neither is he your lamb, kit, nor pup. Let’s just take turns in raising this newborn. And to be fair, let’s call him ‘Lambkitpupcub’. That’s the shortest name I can think of.”

Fox: “What the fox! Is that the shortest name you can think of? How about ‘Lakipub’?

Lion: “Let’s name him ‘Lambkitpupcub’ then.”

Sheep and Squirrel: ‘It’s ‘Lakipub’!

Lion: “Right, ‘Lakipub’.”


Indeed, Lakipub grew with four parents having different looks, personalities, and principles. He actually questioned himself why he is so different from the rest, yet Lakipub’s ‘parents’ just explained how special he is, and that’s what makes him different.


One day, the king of the jungle decided to gather the animals within his territory to have a big announcement that shocked everyone.

The king lion just proclaimed that he is about to step down from his rule and is transferring his throne to his rightful heir – ‘Lakipub’.

Everyone was dazed by such declaration. How can a lion select an unknown species of animal to rule the jungle? Isn’t he supposed to select a lion like him?

Though ‘Lakipub’ was known to be one of the toughest, courageous, and powerful animal on such ground, the animals could not take to see him as the new king. The whole circle wants a lion for a king.


In the middle of the heated discussion, an enormous voice stood out. “He is not this empire’s king, and never will be!” 

All eyes were locked on the one who was standing on a wooden platform. The crowd’s eyes were alternatively looking at the stranger and ‘Lakipub’. With those black and brown stripes, sharp eyes, and large fangs, ‘Lakipub’ is undeniably his descendant.


“He’s a Tiger! And he is the King of our tribe!”

It turns out, Lakipub’s father purposely left him in the woods to be found by the animals he believe could contribute to Lakipub’s growth as a powerful yet lowly-profiled tiger.

The tiger’s tribe was devastated and hunted by the people. Lakipub’s father was left with no choice but to leave him in the hands of great animals while restoring the tribe he lost.

He constantly watched for Lakipub and he was more than happy to see how his cub has acquired sheep’s humility and morality, squirrel’s cleverness and swiftness, fox’s cunningness and stamina, and lion’s strength and courage. All of those traits have prepared Lakipub in regaining the Tiger’s tribe.

Artist’s Note:


Materials used: Brown envelope, soft pastels, correction ink
All of us are just like Lakipub. We all have different mentors to hone us into better individuals and to prepare us for bigger fights in life – and that is to build our own empire.

PS: I know it’s awkward to include the sheep in the jungle. 😀

Sheila is a civil engineer by profession but has switched careers to become a copywriter. She loves making sales through stories that are relatable to the average person. She's also a sucker for memes and thinks she’s the funniest person in the world (even though she knows that’s not true). Her favorite drink is Kopiko Brown coffee, but she'll also take tea or beer if it's offered.

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